Wednesday, March 30, 2016

 This week your goal is to do 5 jumping jacks before you get on the bus and when you get off the bus
if you do this i will you some treat for doing 5 jumping jacks before you get on the bus and when u get off the bus

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

3 push ups each day

This week your job is to first spread the word and do 3 push ups at any time but it has to be everyday for the next week. You can do it when ever you can do push ups but you would have to do 15 push ups through the week.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

squat during reading

          this weeks challenge is 10 squats each time you read at the beginning of reading time. Next Wednesday you can either email me or tell your teacher you did it you can watch the video i out down below and think about the different exercises  in the video may be what you have to do for the challenge.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

update on the challenge

The challenge is on remember just have to participate in the challenge to get the first prize.
different things the challenge might be
  1. 20 planks when reading a book