Wednesday, February 17, 2016

So you are probably wondering what a Fitbit challenge is. Well the Fitbit challenge is something I will do for 1 hour each week and set a goal for kids and you don't need a something that tracks steps you just need your legs and I need honesty because I am not with you 24/7 so It will start out easy like 100 steps to 1,000 steps. That is how many steps a 2 year old that walks makes 1,000 steps  in 5 minutes.So this week my goal for you guys is 10,000 in a week  steps the time you complete it come tell me and me or my teacher will give you a prize if you don't complete it by next  week but you did peripatetic then come tell us and you may not get a big prize but you will get a prize from me

  1. 1st prize might be a pedometer to track your steps so it is easier for you to track your steps if you don't have a pedometer or Fitbit alreadyor pedometer 
    starts today so go and start walking